Bringing technology to the timeless wisdom of plant medicine.

As pioneers in this dynamic field, we are committed to revolutionizing the way the world views and utilizes plant-based wellness and agricultural practices. Our journey is fueled by a passion for innovation and a deep belief in the transformative power of plants, coupled with cutting-edge technological advancements to enhance the quality of life across the globe.


Enhance life quality by transforming health and agriculture.

Mission Statement Improve wellbeing by forging groundbreaking solutions leveraging technology and the power of plant medicine.

Core Values

Innovation: At the heart of Sunrise is our drive for innovation. We're constantly pushing the boundaries of what's possible, blending advanced tech with plant medicine to open new pathways for health and agriculture.

Holistic Wellness: We believe in the power of holistic approaches to health, where every product and service we offer is designed to nurture the body, mind, and spirit, fostering overall wellbeing.

Education & Empowerment: Knowledge is the seed of empowerment. We're dedicated to educating our community about the benefits and uses of plant medicine, empowering individuals to make informed choices about their health.

Collaboration: Progress is a team effort. Sunrise thrives on collaboration, working alongside scientists, healthcare professionals, and the wider community to cultivate innovations that truly matter.

Sustainability: Our commitment to the planet is unwavering. In every venture, we prioritize eco-friendly practices and sustainable solutions, ensuring a healthier earth for future generations.

Accessibility: We strive to make our breakthroughs in plant medicine and technology accessible to all, breaking down barriers to wellness and ensuring that everyone, everywhere, can benefit from our innovations.

At Sunrise, we're not just growing plants; we're cultivating a healthier, more sustainable world. Join us on this journeyy to a brighter future.